The Blue Moon Internet Corp.

Who are we?
We are an Internet Service Provider located in Buffalo, New York.

We went online on the internet October 2nd 1995, but have been running a local online service since 1990.

What type of equipment do we use?
We use extremely powerful unix servers capable of handling average loads ten times higher than we run. Stability, security and privacy is Job #1 for us. Currently 2 redundant T-1's provide our backbone connection to the Internet. We keep plenty of spare dialup lines available, no busy signals here!

What services do we offer?
We offer full-access Internet accounts. All users get WWW pages preinstalled in their own html directory and ready for customizing! We also offer Unix Shell Accounts, shell users have a full complement of internet service tools to work with such as telnet, ftp, ncftp, irc, pine, archie, gopher, and much, much more.

We also offer and extensive array of business services ranging from simple web page hosting to full blown custom domain name websites. Call us for a proposal tailored to your exact business needs.

Personalized customer service and attention to detail are very important to us.

How did we come about?
We originally began as a one line Bulletin Board System named The Blue Moon BBS in approximately 1990. The BBS eventually grew into a 25 node system, and became one of the most complete BBSes in the Northeast. Originally the idea was to add internet capabilities to our BBS; this idea quickly grew and led to our becoming a full service Internet Access Provider on dedicated equipment. The internet eventually usurped BBSes and the Blue Moon BBS closed on May 17, 2000.

How does one register for access?
Registration is simple! you can either call (716-517-6000) or telnet and login as 'new' with no password. Fill out the registration form and we'll call you back for validation. Local callers receive 4 days of FREE trial access with no strings attached! Rates are as low as $12.96 per month, for more information check the Subscription Rates and Pricing page.

Comments and questions can be addressed to Webmaster (Be sure to replace " -AT- " with @ and " dot " with "." in your mailer)
Also you may call 716-876-6398 voice for more information between 10am and 6pm Weekdays.

© 1995-2006 Blue Moon Internet Corp.

Page last modified on Saturday, 11-Aug-2007 12:13:08 EDT