Blue Moon Internet Corp takes an active role in reducing the amount
of SPAM directed at its customers. Sometimes mail filters can block
wanted email or server routing problems can cause mail to be undeliverable.
We can fix any deliveray problem which is related to our network, but it
is absolutely essential that you help us by providing as much information
as possible as to why the email could not be delivered.
Because of the rash of PDF SPAM we are now blocking all email that
has only a PDF filename in the Subject: field of the email, ie: "Subject: Meagan_RECORD_9684351_539874.pdf"
To get around this, simply add another word into the email Subject or remove the PDF filename
from it and you need not report it here.
If the returned email cited a SMTP or other server "timeout" or stated that
a connection could not be established, please forward the undeliverable mail
notification you received to our off-site contact address,
, as that is the only way
we will be able to determine the necessary server routing information, which
is included in the hidden header portion of all email.
If you directly send email from a dialup or dynamically assigned
IP address rather than using your ISP's email server as a relay
it is likely that your mail was rejected for that reason. Try
sending the email with your ISP's SMTP mail server as the mail
relay if you saw (cdre) as the failure code in the returned mail
Under no circumstances will we accept incoming email from
unsecured email relays. If a spammer can send us email through
your mail server then we can't let your mail server send any
mail to ours. This includes servers running insecure web form
A note to "Opt-In" marketers and listmail providers:
We accept incoming email for promotions, marketing, announcements and the like
on an "opt-in" basis. That is, you notify _us_ that you wish to be allowed
to send email to our network. We will not accept any type of
unsolicicited email which markets, promotes or in any way advertises anything
regardless of whether it is opt-in, opt-out, removelisted or otherwise "protected."
While we wish our customers to be able to receive
all the E-Mail which they WANT to receive, this does NOT include
"Targetted" or "Relevant" unsolicited commercial E-Mail or E-Mail
from sources which have purchased or obtained E-Mail Address Lists
from any third-party, marketing company or Bulk E-Mail distributor. Under no
circumstances will we reply via E-Mail to parties which we believe,
after appropriate investigation, engage in or are a party to
unsolicited bulk advertising. Unless you can
categorically prove that one of our customers specifically
submitted their E-Mail address to your organization, we won't
believe it unless the customer tells us they did or
we see timestamped email server logs with their email address or web
server logs with their IP address contained in them.
If you provide listmail services to spammers as well as
legitimate email lists, well, we just don't want any mail
at all from your network and we don't care who sent it.
If you are a bulk hosting provider who sells any sort of services
to spammers then we don't want mail from you or anyone on your
network either.