Your Privacy and The Blue Moon Internet Corp.
Any credit card payment information is only used to process the payment at the
time of purchase and is not accessible to to the internet in any way.
The Blue Moon will always cooperate with any law enforcement agency pursuant
to applicable federal, state and municipal laws during the course of an
official investigation.
We at The Blue Moon value your privacy highly and will be more than happy to
help your private and personal information remain just that, private.
The Blue Moon does not gather or store any personal information from visitors
to our websites. Those submitting information via form web pages to The Blue
Moon Online System may be assured that we do not maintain any copies of this
information for statistical use or distribution. We cannot vouch for our
customer's web pages and their privacy policies and cannot take responsibility
for how any information may be used by the customer to whom information may
be submitted. We highly recommend that everyone be aware that in this day and
age many unscrupulous entities broker information via the internet including,
but not limited to the distribution of email addresses for the purpose of
future unsolicited commercial emailings, also known as SPAM mail.
A good rule of thumb is, when in doubt, don't send your personal information
to anyone you don't know and/or trust.
© 1998 - 2006 Blue Moon Internet Corp. Email the Webmaster (Be sure to replace " -AT- " with @ and " dot " with "." in your mailer)