ISSUE #58 9704.19

			SHIP'S LOG 9702-9704

* It is with heavy heart that I announce the recent passing away of T'Ra's 

Words can not express the sorrow that we all feel.  Know that you and your 
family are in our thoughts and if there is anything you need, remember your 
friends are here for you.

* Kalabra recently fell victim to a serious illness and we almost lost our 
only chocolate officer.  We are glad she is making a tremendous comeback and 
recovery.  Good chocolate officers are hard to come by.

* Commendations go to all the fine cooks of the Conquest for their delectable 
contributions to the February meeting.  

*  Special commendation goes to Lt Kalabra for her efforts above and beyond 
the call of duty.  Cooking not only the main dish, but making her first 
contribution of chocolate as the chocolate officer, plus putting together 
the salad.  All this was done under the adverse conditions with a power 

* Commendation also goes to Corp RamyoD for his contribution of Godzilla
movies to round out the evening.

* Crystal Dagger's Anniversary dinner was attended by Cmdr Kade and Lt Cmdr 
Krump.  Besides being a good time and seeing old friends again many ideas 
were hashed out on the journey.  Ideas also came from other groups that will 
add to the Conquest experience.

* March 20th the command staff met and discussed some future issues and 
projects.  A couple of the ideas tossed about are an educational library 
program designed to promote science and reading through science fiction.  
And second, compile a chocolate cook book.  The proceeds would go to
charity.  Anyone interested in either of these projects see Cmdr Kade.

* On Feb 28-Mar 2nd K'Zar, QIghpej and Kalabra attended Astronomicon in 
Rochester.  It sounds like they had a good time.

* Mar 9th QIghpej and K'Dok were the Conquest representitives at the Rochester

* April 4-6 Krump and Kade went to Bablecon in Pittsburgh.  The creator of 
the Klingon language, Marc Okrand was the guest.

* April 4-6 was also the Toy and Collectable show in Lockport.  QIghpej, 
Kalabra, K'Zar and RamyoD represented the Conquest.

* April 6, John Delancy was in Buffalo.  Obertin was the only crewman able 
to attend.



With all the hoopla over STAR WARS, yes you heard me correctly, STAR WARS, and no I haven't gotten my stories mixed up, I mean STAR WARS. Many things have cropped up on the INTERNET. I thank Commander Qob for sending this to me. Maj tlho la' Qob. "You Might be a redneck Jedi if": 1) Your Jedi robe is camouflage color. 2) You have used your Light Saber to open a bottle of Boone's Farm Strawberry Hill. 3) You think the best use of your Light Saber is to pick your teeth. 4) There is a blaster rack in the back of your land speeder. 5) You have Bantha horns on the front of your land speeder. 6) You can find no grammatical errors in the way Yoda talks. 7) You think that Storm Troopers are just KKK members with really good sheets. 8) You have had an X-Wing up on blocks in your yard 9) The worst part of Dagoba is the dabgum skeeters. 10) Wookies are offended by your BO 11) You have used the force to get yourself another beer so you didn't have to wait for a commercial. 12) Your father has said to you "shoot, son come on over t' the dark side... it'll be a hoot." 13) you have used your R-2 unit to use its self-defense electro-shock thingy to get the Bar b-q grill to light. EVENT HORIZON (Not beyond the Blue Event Horizon...mores the pity) * Apr 25-27, 1997, DOVER! DOVER! DOVER! Price is $40.00. Includes Friday Karaoke, Panels Maltz after Midnight and banquet. Guest is Dr Lawrence Schoen from the Klingon Language institute. For Hotel reservations call Holiday Inn- Camp Dover (330)339-7 731. For con reservation contact Judy Manning with SASE to Camp Dover Peace Conference, 105 Charles Dr. Dover, OH 44622. * May 3, 1997 WXXI TV Auction Rochester, NY * May 10, 1997 Camp planning meeting * May 24, 1997 Ship's meeting, 3:00 Kade's Bring your own grill victim and a dish to pass (No, not her!) Bring parade float design entries / suggestions . * May 31, 1997 Parade float workshop (TBD) * June 20-21 SCI-FI Celebration Airport Radisson, Buffalo NY Armin Shimmerman, Ethan Phillips, Gary Lockwood, Walter Koenig Call: 913-894-TREK Fax: 913-894-8735 *July 22, 1997 Canal Fest parade * Sept. 19-21, 1997 WARRIORS WEEKEND IV.