First Contact... a short story by Timothy J. Phelan. First Contact is provided purely for entertainment and is not meant to impringe on any copyrights held by Paramount Studios.

	Space... is cold... Not your mere cold, but a gut churning, bone 
freezing kind of cold that seems able to paralyze your very soul.  At 
least that's the way it looked to Captain Jamie Guinpen.  He had to 
smile to himself as he thought," Huh...Only 26 years old and I'm 
acting more the part of a philosopher than a Survey Pilot."  Well two 
months searching for habitable planets for the newly formed Federation 
of Planets could do that to you.

A slight ding from the computer console alerted Jame that it was time to make his daily log entry. He pushed off from the viewport and slowly floated across the cabin to the control center... If a chair and control panel that also served as bed, entertainment console, School, and library could be dignified with such a grandiose name.

Computer.... (Working) Captain's Log...Stardate 4567.2

I am presently halfway through a 4 month survey of Gamma Quadrant Four searching for Intelligent life or at the very least, Habitable planets to join the Federation. My luck so far has been {Jamie stops and stares back at the viewport, with such concentration that it is almost like he is trying to draw a response from the universe by sheer force of will. After a few minutes he relaxes and continues} My luck so far has been dismal. I strongly recommend that future flights consist of at least two members... Man was not meant to be a solitary explorer...he needs companionship. I would also highly recommend that the members of the team be of the opposite.... The clanging of an alarm bell cuts him off in mid thought....Computer....What is the alarm for? (Working....Sensors detect an object traveling at warp speed...bearing...1.002 mark 4. 99.78% probability that it is not a natural object) 99.78%? Gheeesh I really regret getting the computer system upgraded on Vulcan. With growing excitement Captain Guinpen began to call up visuals on the screen. I've never seen a ship like that before....Computer....Identify type, class, and origin of that ship. (Working.... Type....Unknown. Type.... Unknown. Origin.... Unknown. The vessel does not match up with any known Federation or ally Vessel.) This is it. This is what I joined up for. First contact. Imagine...Two ships alone... far from the warmth of friends and love one. Extending the hand of friendship ... Bringing a bright spot of warmth to a cold and unfeeling space. Computer...Hailing Frequencies...All Subspace channels...and all old type radio wave frequencies too. The last was just a formality dating back to pre warp days. At the speed they were traveling, Radio Waves would be left behind as soon as they left the Warp field.

KVert Vestai-Kurkura Stared out the porthole of the Klingon Survey Craft, Rapture, and cursed his superiors, the Navy, The naked stars, and the Emperor himself for causing him to be stuck on this forsaken patrol. Since he wished to continue living...he cursed to himself to avoid being picked up by the ever-present recording devices. A shiver went through the ship....It must have been in the ship because no Klingon Warrior would shiver when looking out a porthole...even one so devoid of warmth and light as this one. The Injustice of it...The dishonor...For him...Oldest son of one of the Empire's oldest and finest lines to be delegated to this deserted backwater patrol. {He conveniently over-looked the fact that he was the youngest of 3 males in a line that while it was honorable...had never done anything to raise it above the other lines.} He looked out at the cold naked stars, devoid of any life and must have been the ship shivering. The Alarm that signaled incoming subspace waves caused him to pull himself back into the spartan control center. Punching in the commands, he soon had the location and speed of the other ship locked in. He called for identification of the intruder....The computer flashed back...Non Klingon ship....Non Klingon Ship. He listened to the alien's voice coming out of the speaker and he reached deep within himself and responded. Twin disruptor beams shot out and hit the Federation ship in the Warp engine pod....The Ship became a rapidly expanding ball of flame and gas.

KVert watching again from the viewport thought..."There...Now Space does not look quite so cold."

{Written by KVert Vestai Kurkura [Timothy J. Phelan]}