Postcards sent from Clarence Criswell to his mother, Olive Criswell
Douglas Criswell Baby Postcard, 1909 and High School Diploma, 1927
My Grandfather, Rodney Criswell's 1928 High School Freshman Program and
Retirement Article from 1976
My Great Great Great Grandfather Frederick Dietsch Citizenship Document
from 1859
Letters containing Genealogy information written in 1976 and 1980.
Church Birth and Baptism records for Charles Beaupre (Junior) from 1812.
Marriage Records for Charles Beaupre (Senior) and Josphete Plante in 1811 ~
Charles Beaupre (Junior) and Mary Race in 1832 ~ William Van Buskirk and Martha (Beaupre) Austin in 1874.
Marriage entry in the Lewis Family Bible for William Thurston Lewis (Senior) and
Nellie Yeulalah Coller in 1921