TAYLOR, Loring Frederick
- Born: 28 Sep 1870
- Marriage: (1): FISHER, Magdaline
- Marriage: (2): Marie E.
- Died: 10 Oct 1935, at age 65
General Notes:
Born in Marion Township, Hancock County, Ohio Lived at 3637 Hoiles Ave in Toledo, Ohio at the time of hs death. Burial in Arcadia Cemetery
Listed on the 1900 Federal Census as living in WashingtonTownship, Hanc ock County, Ohio living with his wife, Magdaline, age 24 and a daughter Bernice, age 2, and a son Horace, age 1.
Listed on the 1910 Federal Census as living in Toledo, Ohio with his fo ur children and a housekeeper, Sarah ?. His wife had died prior to 1910.
On the 1920 Federal Census, Loring is living in Ida Township, Monroe Co unty, Michigan. Living with him was Bernice Brainford (daughter), his so n Forest, daughter, Dorothy, his dauhter Cathryn and husband George Todd . Also Emma Green, age 54, a widow. She was a nurse.
On the 1930 Federal Census Loring, age 59, was living back in Toledo, W ard 11, Precinct K. Living with him was his wife, Marie E. age 43, Doro thy, his daughter, age 21, ocupation, stenographer and a brder, Iva A. Y eoman.
Loring passed away on October 10 1935
Obituary as it appeared in the Republican Courier, October 11, 1935, Fi ndlay Ohio
LORING F. TAYLOR DIES Native of Marion Township Expires at Home in Toledo Early Thursday Morn ing
Word has been received here of the death of Loring F. Taylor, 65 of Tol edo, formerly of Findlay. Mr. Taylor died at 5:30 o'clock Thursday morni ng at his residence, 3637 Hoiles Avenue.
He was born September 28, 1870 in Marion Township. Mr. Taylor is surviv ed by two brothers Alf and Clarence Taylor, and two half-sisters, Mrs He nry Roller and Mrs. George Roller and other relatives.
The funeral will be held t 1 o'clock from the Harry L. Gardner funeral home, Toledo. Interment will be in the Arcadia Cemetery.
Noted events in his life were:
• Occupation: House Carpenter-Building Contractor.
Loring married Magdaline FISHER, daughter of Gotleib David FISHER and Orsylla H. (Magdaline FISHER was born in 1876.)
Loring also married Marie E. (Marie E. was born in 1887.)