General Notes:
Married Samuel L Thomas
SAMUEL L. THOMAS, farmer, P. O. Arcadia, was born in Wayne County, Ohio , September 26, 1824, son of Henry and Jane (Stranahan) Thomas, natives of Ireland. They came to America in 1816, and resided in Pennsylvania fo r a few years; then, in 1834 or 1835, came to this county and entered 16 0 acres of land in Section 6, Big Lick Township (where Samuel L., the su bject of this sketch, now resides), and there endured the hard-ships and privations incident to pioneer life in the forest of a new country. The ir family consisted of four sons and two daughters: William (in Michigan ), John, Mary (wife of C. W eimer, in Iowa), Henry, Sarah (deceased) and Samuel L. Our subject was married, September 21, 1854, to Mary A., daug hter of William and Cassandra Taylor, the former a native of Ireland, th e latter of Pennsylvania. To Mr. and Mrs. Thomas were born eight childre n: Martha J. (wife of Jasper L. Gipson), Cassandra, William H., Marcella , Samuel E., George E , Chalmers B. and Mary A. Mr. Thomas was one of th e pioneer children of Big Lick Township, and is now one of the substanti al farmers of the township. He is connected with the Presbyterian Church ; in politics a Republican.