CRISWELL, Harrison
- Born: 22 Feb 1841
- Marriage: SHEARER, Mary Sarah (Polly)
- Died: 13 Sep 1910, at age 69
General Notes:
Birth: Mapleton, Stark Co, Ohio Death: Louisville, Stark Co, Ohio Burial: Union Cemetery, Stark Co., Ohio
Marriage 22 May 1862 in Stark Co
Obituary for Harrison - Louisville Herald September 15, 1910, Pg 8
After a long illness, caused by a general breaking down of the system, Harrison Criswell died at his home, on East Gorgas Street, Tuesday morni ng. Mr. Criswell was born at Mapleton February 22, 1841, and lacked a fe w months of being seventy years of age. For almost fifty years he lived on a farm near Mapleton and twenty years of his life were spent in Louis ville. In 1861 Mr. Criswell married Miss Polly Shearer and nine children were born to them, one dying in infancy. The wife and the following chi ldren survive; G. A. Criswell, of Canton, John H. Criswell, of Des Moine s, Iowa, Mrs. Letitia Mercer, of Butler, Indiana, Mrs. Iva D. Miller and H. D. Criswell, of Louisville, William J. Criswell, LeMats, Iowa, Olive r Criswell, Hicksville, OH, and Mrs. Charles Ritner, of Wilmington, Dela ware. While residing in Osnaburg township Mr. Criswell gave considerable of his spare time to the instruction of vocal music which he understood very well. He taught the singing schools in nearby districts and was ch oir leader in the Christian church. His journey in life did not quite re ach the bounds of man's appointed years but death came to him with frien dly care after weeks of pain and suffering. Funeral services will be hel d at the late residency at two o'clock, Thursday afternoon and will be i n charge of Rev. Black and Rev. Davidson. Burial will be made in the Uni on cemetery.
Noted events in his life were:
• Occupation: Farmer.
Harrison married Mary Sarah (Polly) SHEARER, daughter of Jonathan SHEARER and Anna Elizabeth LAUTZENHEISER. (Mary Sarah (Polly) SHEARER was born on 9 Sep 1844 and died on 12 Jun 1918.)