This is Home Page of the IKV Conquest, a member of the Klingon Assault Group.

Words From the Commander

So The One wants to be a Klingon? Huh? It is a lofty position you seek. Not all are suited. Can you set aside your inhibitions, let your hair down and get involved in conquering such difficult obstacles as Lasertron, Putt-Putt, Chestnut Ridge and Alleghany State Park, not to mention wearing the much prized uniform of the honored Klingon warrior? If you answer YES then I may want to check you out. This One is Commander Kade sutai-Kurkura and I captain the IKV Conquest, the best, the most honored ship in the fleet. if you are serious about conquering the galaxy!!!

Newsletter of the IKV Conquest

The Klingon Empire" Kristin's Space Central

First Contact-Short Story

The Origin of the Borg

This site is maintained by K'Vert Vestai Kurkura , Lt. Commander of the Glorious Ship IKV CONQUEST!

  ====____\   /.. ..\   /____====
//         ---\__O__/---         \\   Enterprise... Surrender 
\_\                             /_/   or we'll send back your
                                      *&^$% tribbles !!

You are the warrior to visit the IKV Homepage. Be counted among the few, the Brave

You can send your surrender message here.

Click here to mail me!
