TODD, James
- Born: 30 Jun 1795
- Marriage: SMITH, Jane
- Died: 9 Jul 1874, at age 79
General Notes:
Born in PA Death in Crawford County, Ohio Buried in Oakwood Cemetery, Bucyrus, Ohio
Listed on the 1840, 1850, 1860 and 1870 Federl Censuses as lving in Lib erty Township, Cawford County, Ohio.
Death Announcement: Died on Friday, June 10th, 1874, James Todd. We have not learned any p articulars of his life. He was an Elder of the Presbyterian Church.
Source: The Bucyrus Forum Saturday July 18, 1874
Noted events in his life were:
• Occupation: Farmer.
James married Jane SMITH. (Jane SMITH was born on 2 Dec 1801 and died on 2 Dec 1872.)