TODD, John
General Notes:
Taken from Index and Personal Histories from Historical Hand Atlas Monroe County, Mi. 1881:
John TODD, whose parents were, James and Jane (Smith) TODD, who died in Ohio, was born in Belmont County, Ohio, July 03, 1824. He resides in Id a township, having removed to Monroe County in 1875. His first wife, Eli zabeth, was born January 21, 1829, and died February 18, 1851; her death was caused by a stroke of lightning. She was the mother of James II, bo rn April 17, 1849.
Mr. Todd married second wife, Frances Wolf, in Crawford County, Ohio, J uly 01, 1852. She was born in Buck's county, Pennsylyania, February 26, 1827, died June 05, 1880. She was a daughter of Michael and Polly (Beck) Wolf, residents of Ohio, the latter deceased. John Todd and Frances Wol f's children are: Mary Jane, born May 23, 1853; Margaret C., November 17 , 1854; Frances E., August 16, 1856; William Henry, September 16, 1858, died April 21, 1868; Martha A., November 07, 1860; John B.M., April 15, 1862; Rachel S., May 01, 1865; Franklin S., June 11, 1867; Eflia M., Jul y 13, 1869.
Mr. Todd is a member of the Reform Presbyterian Church. He is possessor of 210 acres of land; is a farmer and thresher. Address, Samaria, Michi gan.