Tammy's Family Ties
CORDIER, Mary Elizabeth


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CORDIER, Mary Elizabeth

  • Born: 1682
  • Marriage: VIEILLAR OR WILGAR, Jakob
  • Died: 14 Oct 1770, at age 88

bullet  General Notes:

Birth: Erlenbach, Pfalz, Germany
Death: Graceham, Frederick, Maryland

She is buried in the Graceham Moravian Church Cemetery, Graceham, Maryl and--#16, Grave 73, 4th row, 2nd grave in the women's section. ("Monocac y and Catoctin," Vol. 2, Pg. 296). Her gravestone said "Alte Mutter." (o ld mother)

Married: 1702 in Erlenbach Otterbach, Pfalz, Germany

Mary Elizabeth Gordier Williard was the founding matriarch of the entir e Williard clan in America. She came over from Germany with her son, Joh n Peter, probably through the port of Philadelphia around the year 1744. Most likely she stayed with her family in York, Pennsylvania for a few years before moving to Maryland.

"Monocacy and Catoctin," Vol. 2, mentions that she led her four childre n to settle in the Graceham and Middletown Valley area of Maryland, wher e the family name became Williard and Willard as time passed.


Mary married Jakob VIEILLAR OR WILGAR, son of Nicolaus VIEILLAR and Katherine GROSJEAN. (Jakob VIEILLAR OR WILGAR was born on 10 Sep 1667 and died on 29 Sep 1717.)

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