LEWIS, John "Deacon"
- Born: 1 Dec 1676
- Died: 5 Mar 1738, at age 61
General Notes:
Children of John and ?
John, born Oct, 16, 1683 Daniel, born Sept. 29, 1685 graduated at H. U., 1707, taught grammar s chool until 1712 in Hingham, then settled in the ministry in Pembroke. M arried Elizabeth Hawkes of Hingham. Their son Daniel married Sarah, daug hter of Elisha Bisbee of Hingham commonly called "the honest lawyer". Th eir son William married Christiana White of Marshfield, February 14, 177 3, lineal descendent of William and Susannah White who came out in the M ayFlower.
Hannah born January 10, 1687/88 Sarah born July 12, 1690 Susana born January 5, 1692/93 Died February 26, 1692/93 Rachel born June 19, 1694 Susanna born December 9, 1697 Mary born June 2, 1700 Isaiah (Reverend) born June 10, 1703 Married Abigail, daughter of Kenel m and Abigail Winslow, June 25, 1730 and died October 3, 1786